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Build Burning Gundam | Gundam Build Fighters Try | Review

The BG-011B Build Burning Gundam is  a mobile suit from the anime seris Gundam Build Fighters Try. Its is built by Sei Iori and piloted by Sekai Kamiki.

The Build Burning Gundam is a Gunpla designed for melee combat, its movement and mobility have been noted to be similar to that of GAT-X105B/ST Star Build Strike Gundam, and this is not surprising as it is built by Sei Iori who had used an earlier version of the suit in the 11th Gunpla Battle World Championship. Due to its combat specialization, Sekai Kamiki can use the Gunpla and perform his Jigen Haoh School's style of unarmed fighting without any problem. When the Build Burning Gundam and its fighter are both in peak condition, fire effects created by Plavsky particles will burst out from its back. The light blue parts on its body can also glow orange during battle and the suit can manipulate fire effects.
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